Rest and Recovery

Sleep is a critical component for good health, both physical and mental. It is recommended that we aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night. When we sleep our bodies recover, and it helps with weight loss, if that is your goal.
Here are a few tips for a great night of sleep:
Try to eat early
Having a heavy meal late in the evening can have a negative impact on the quality of our sleep.
Limit Caffeine consumption
Caffeine is great for a quick energy boost. Try to limit your caffeinated coffee or beverage of choice to the mornings though and if necessary, switch to decaf for the remainder fo the day. Why? Caffeine can stay in your system for hours after drinking it.
Herbal teas are a great substitute. Remember some teas, even green tea, have caffeine though. Be sure to read the labels. Peppermint tea is a great afternoon pick me up or try a decaf green or chamomile tea.
Limit Alcohol
An evening glass of wine or cocktail is tempting right? Especially after a long or stressful day. BUT drinking alcohol at night can negatively affect your sleep. It can disrupt sleep patterns as well as inhibit melatonin production. Try that herbal tea instead!
Limit blue lights
The body has its own way of keeping track of the time, so it knows when to wake up and when to sleep. This body clock is called our circadian rhythm.
Exposure to bright lights or blue lights at night can have a negative effect on our sleep patterns. It makes your brain and body believe that it’s still daytime. This means that you will find it difficult to unwind, relax and actually get a good night’s sleep. A few hours before heading to bed, log off of Instagram, Facebook or whatever you read online and pick up a good book!
Create a relaxing environment
Keep your bedroom quiet and relaxing. Adjust the temperature if necessary. Find a comfortable pillow. Try an essential oil diffusor. Create a relaxing and comfortable environment.
Write in a journal
Stress, worry and our to-do lists can weigh heavy on our minds and keep us awake at night! Whatever is on your mind, write it down before bed. Putting it on paper can make it feel less daunting and help you to relax a bit. Be sure to include a few things that you are grateful for!
Sit quietly for a few minutes before bed. If you need help with this try a meditation app like Headspace or Calm.
Use white noise or sleep music
Turn on white noise or relaxing music before bed. The apps listed above have options for this, or you can find apps specific to sleep sounds.
Exercise daily
If you need help with this feel free to contact me!
Sweet dreams!!