Updated: Apr 22, 2022
Did you know that proper rest and recovery is just as important as our workouts? More is not always better. Workouts provide stress to our body, our bodies then need time to rebuild, repair and get stronger, faster, better! Stress + rest = growth.

Recovery from exercise refers to the time period between the end of a workout and the return to a resting or recovered state. Depending on the intensity of the workout our bodies typically need 24-48 hours to repair and rebuild. Excessive exercise will hinder progress and fitness gains, and it can cause burnout, injury or illness. Now this does not mean that you should workout and then be a coach potato. It is important to find the right balance between stress and rest. Alternating your workout splits and adding active recovery days is a great way to allow your body the time it needs to rebuild, while staying active.
Here are a few other simple ways to improve your recovery and get better results from your workouts:
Hydrate - Stay hydrated before, during and after your workouts. This is especially important for endurance athletes or if you are exercising in high heat. Water serves many important functions in the human body, including the regulation of body temperature, the transport and distribution of nutrients, maintenance of blood volume, lubrication of joints, membranes, and synovial tissue, shock absorption, and removal of waste matter and toxins.
Inadequate hydration prior to, during, and after exercise can affect many physiologic functions in our body and impede athletic performance! If we are not adequately hydrated it can have negative effects on the body including increased heart rate and body temperature and an increased perceived exertion, your workout will feel harder. Maintaining fluid balance with electrolytes is also beneficial.
Nutrition - Our bodies need fuel to perform at our best and to recover properly. Proper nutrition after our workouts helps to replenish our glycogen, or energy stores, and helps to decrease protein breakdown and increase protein synthesis. In other words it assists in repairing the damage to our muscles caused by our workouts. Although research now shows that you do not have to eat immediately following your workout, focus on high quality foods; lean protein, fresh vegetables and complex carbohydrates throughout the day.
A post workout protein shake is also a convenient way to provide your body with the nutrition it needs to help rebuild muscle tissue.
Mobility - Add a few minutes of stretching and mobility exercises to your warm up and cool down. This can help to help prevent injury and regulate our nervous system.
Active recovery - Light activity is a great way to get our blood flowing and help our bodies recover. On your rest days go for a walk, a hike, an easy bike ride or try a yoga class!
Massage and soft tissue work - When we have an active lifestyle, massage or self myofascial release is important. If possible, schedule a monthly massage, invest in a massage gun or spend a few minutes foam rolling before or after your workouts.
Cold therapy - There is a lot of research on the benefits of cold therapy. It can help reduce inflammation and regulate our nervous system. You can try a cold shower, an ice bath or Cryotherapy.
Sleep - This is probably the most important component in the recovery process. A good night’s sleep leads to lower levels of cortisol throughout the day and increases levels of growth hormone through the night, which helps are bodies repair and rebuild. A good nights sleep also helps to control our thyroid hormones and improves glucose metabolism. You will feel better, reduce cravings, improve mental clarity and get stronger!
Prioritize 7-9 hours of sleep a night.
Fitness is an important component to a healthy lifestyle - just remember the change happens AFTER our workouts, during the remaining 23 hours!
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