Navigating Nutrition
Updated: Dec 8, 2021

There is so much information available on nutrition. There are diets, fads, quick fixes, detoxes, eliminate this, add that .. you name it. And they all claim to be the answer. For some people it may be the answer. Although I have found the easiest and most effective way to create a sustainable lifestyle for good health is BALANCE.
Learn what works for YOUR body.
Set the foundation of your diet with a variety of unprocessed foods.
Choose nutrient dense foods like brown rice over white rice, whole grains over refined grains, whole fruit instead of juices. When you are making food choices, ask yourself how will this benefit my body?
Minimize processed foods. They make it too easy to overdo calories with little nutritional value. These include breads, chips, cookies and cereals. If you prefer no too eat them, try not to buy them.
Eat as much home-cooked food as possible. Eating at home helps you to avoid processed ingredients and gives you full control over preparation. It also allows you to choose the flavors and recipes you enjoy.
Use salt and fats, butter and oil, as needed in food preparation. Things like salt and fat are not the enemy. They are often necessary in the preparation of tasty, satisfying food. The key here is moderation. Use what you need. Seasoning is often what makes vegetables taste good.
When you eat out, try to eat at restaurants that offer healthy options. Check the menu before going to a restaurant. There are many restaurants that offer fresh, whole food options. Do not be afraid to ask for substitutions or sauces and dressing the side. Avoid fried foods when possible.
Drink mostly water. Our bodies are made up of 70% water. Do your best to stay hydrated! Drink water first thing in the morning, before meals, and throughout the day. Carry a water bottle with you. Add citrus fruit or fresh mint leaves for flavor. If you want to add a little flavor to your water try adding a naturally sweetened electrolyte drink. If you drink coffee, be aware of any added cream/flavors that you may use, they add up quickly!
Remember there are no BAD foods, just foods that we want to minimize, or enjoy on occasion. And when you do eat your favorite, less healthy foods, enjoy them!
Our bodies don't know good or bad, they know nutrients. Try to give your body what it thrives on; nutrient dense, whole foods.
Our body is the only place we have to live, let’s take care of it!